MIDI message on serial 

MIDI message on serial.
Button & Volume (Pitch bend & Modulation)

int analogPin = A0;//Pitchbend
int analogPin2 = A2;//Modulatioin
// potentiometer wiper (middle terminal) connected to analog pin 0
// outside leads to ground and +5V

 // variable to store the Analog value read
int val = 0; int oldval = 0;int olderval = 0; // pitchbend
int mod = 0; int oldmod =0; int oldermod =0; // modulation wheel

const int button = 2;
int buttonState = 0;
int noteOnFlag = 0;// whether currently noteon or  not
void setup()
  Serial.begin(57600); // midi rate : 31250
  pinMode(button, INPUT); // Input Mode
  digitalWrite(button, HIGH); // Internal Pullup


void loop()
  buttonState = digitalRead(button); // read the digital input
  val = (analogRead(analogPin ));    // read the analog input  (0~1024)
  mod = (analogRead(analogPin2));    // read the analog input  (0~1024)

// analog input (Volume) procedure
   if (val!=oldval && val != olderval) // pitchbend
     MIDI_TX(0xE0, (val&0x7)*16, (val>>0x3)  );
      olderval = oldval;
      oldval = val;
   if (mod !=oldmod && mod != oldermod) // modulation wheel
     MIDI_TX(0xB0, 0x01, (mod>>0x3)  );//
      oldermod = oldmod;
      oldmod = mod;

// digital input (button)  procedure
    if (buttonState == LOW && noteOnFlag == 0) // button : pressed && noteOnFlag : off

      { MIDI_TX(144, 60, 80); // Transmit noteOn message
      noteOnFlag = 1;}        // noteOnFlag : Off -> On
    if (buttonState == HIGH && noteOnFlag == 1)// button : released && noteOnFlag : on

      { MIDI_TX(128, 60, 80);// Transmit noteOff message
        noteOnFlag = 0;}// noteOnFlag : On -> Off


void MIDI_TX(unsigned char MESSAGE, unsigned char DATA1, unsigned char DATA2)
  Serial.print(DATA1); // Pitch, or LSB
  Serial.print(DATA2);// velocity or MSB